Re: The safety and effectiveness of oleander extract
Wikipedia? Surely you jest! Wikipedia is anything but a trusted source of information when it comes to natural and alternative medicine. It is, in fact, an open source directory that anybody can post to and it is noted for being controlled by mainstream medicine trolls when it comes to information about any natural or alternative treatment that threatens the profits and monopoly of mainstream drugs and treatments. I corrected their entry on oleander numerous times, only to have the mainstream trolls revert back to the one-sided information that is prevalent in mainstream sources when it comes to oleander.
Yes, again, I agree that oleander is highly toxic. In any given year anywhere from 0-3 deaths are reported worldwide from ingestion of raw oleander. And yes, homemade oleander extract - just like any other number of home remedies - could be dangerous if made and ingested improperly. The same actually could be said about home cooking. Are we therefore to abandon all foods and medicines unless they come off the shelves of a retail outlet?
The same could be said about power tools, lawn mowers, etc. If you don't follow directions you could get seriously hurt. Are we therefore supposed to only hire professionals for home repair and yard mainenance? The analogies are endless, and the answer is always the same. Follow directions and exercise prudent caution with anything that could be harmful.
I am well aware of the cancer fighting properties of curcumin - I recommend it highly, especially for those who smoke or have history of smokiing. And I consider it a good supplement to include in an overall cancer fighting protocol, but would never consider it as a stand-alone cancer fighter. In my opinion, it is more useful as a cancer preventive than an actual remedy for existing cancer. I in fact recommend it. Just because it has some of the same properties as oleander does not in any way mean that it is anywhere close to as effective as oleander. Gasoline is a combustible fuel, but that does not mean it performs anywhere close to jet or rocket fuel.
Here is a parial list of the cancer fighting compounds in oleander:
Oleandrin and a number of other cardiac glycosides including Neriin, Oleandrinogen, Oleandrigenin, Uzarigenin and others; several long-chain polysacharrides such as Beta-sistosterol; Quercitin, Linoleic-acid, Oleic-acid, Adynerin, Alpha-amyrin, Betulin, Foliandrin, Folinerin, Gitoxigenin, Isoquercitrin, Lauric-acid, Oleanolic-acid, Rutin, Stigmasterol, Ursolic-acid
Are you aware of any curcumin based protocols or supplements that have had over 90% success against a broad range of cancers? The fact is that one supplement based on oleander (Sutherlandia OPC) has had over 90% success against a broad range of cancers, including those in late stages and those where chemo and radiation had failed. In my own oleander soup group of almost 1000 members which has been around for five years, every member who has joined the group who had more than a few weeks left to live and/or an immune system ravaged by prior chemo and/or radiation is still alive and doing well. In fact, as far as I am aware only one such person is not still alive - and he joined the group after years of chemo and radiation for brain cancer.
You are mistaken about oleandrigenin - it is an aglycone metabolite of oleandrin, true, but it is also a cardiac glycoside.
As a final note - it is not my intention to get into a debate with you about oleander, but rather to share information I have learned after thousands of hours and years of time. I have followed some of your other posts here and think that you are making valuable contributions - I have myself learned from some of your posts, and I appreciate your sharing your knowledge in areas that I am less well versed in.