Try oleander - you can make it yourself at home for only pennies and it appears to be effective against just about any kind of autoimmune disease. That and a good diet (which addresses the low B12 and calcium as well as other vital vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients) and lifestyle may work wonders for you.
You also might consider a good parasite and overall cleansing and detox program along with some probiotics to help elminate any toxins and parasites and enable you body to better absorb and utilize the nutrients you do get. Don't forget about iodine.
I agree that the raw plant is highly toxic and your warning that it should not be fooled with unless you know what you are doing is a good one. Fortunately, I happen to know very well what I am doing when it comes to oleander, probably better than 99.999% of the people on the planet. In addition to researching it and having written a book about it, I have hosted a Yahoo health group about it (Oleandersoup) for the past five years which now contains almost 1,000 members, many of whom have made the home remedy version.
Oleander extract made according to proper directions retains less than 2% of the cardiac glycosides you mention (and oleander actually contains many more than just 3 cardiac glycosides, btw). Each dose of oleander contains about 1/40th of the amount of cardiac glycosides in a typical dose of digoxin/digitalis. One patented medicine made essentially the same way as the home remedy (which is itself based on the original patent) has been used for over 40 years now and has passed FDA phase I toxicity tests. The results were that no limiting dose was arrived at due to toxicity, but rather they stopped increasing the dose when the amount became so large as to be impractical to administer.
In addition to the patented medicine version, plus another new version which uses a different extraction method and is in the middle of successful phase I trials at MD Anderson, there are now two herbal supplements based on oleander - both of which use the same aqueous extraction method as the home remedy version and patented medicine version.
Thousands of people around the world have now used the patented medicine, home remedy and herbal supplement versions for cancer, HIV, hepatitis and other mutagenic and immune disorder and there has not been one single life threatening side effect or event associated with properly made and administered oleander extract.
To learn more about oleander, I suggest the following articles I authored which have been widely published and distributed in such venues as Natural News, The American Chronicle and the Crusader:
An Amazing Discovery in Turkey
The History of Oleander Before 1960
Success Against Cancer and HIV in South Africa
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 1
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 2 - Tips and Advice
Oleander Induces Autophagy - Exclusive Story
The Newman Studies on Oleander
Herbal Supplement for HIV/AIDS is Successful in Clinical Trial
As a final note - to be safe, no one should take oleander without the supervision of a qualified care practitioner if they are also taking a medication which contains cardiac glycosides or a blood thinner medication such as Wayfarin/Coumadin. And no one should attempt to make their own extract unless they will follow the directions without improvisation.
Wikipedia? Surely you jest! Wikipedia is anything but a trusted source of information when it comes to natural and alternative medicine. It is, in fact, an open source directory that anybody can post to and it is noted for being controlled by mainstream medicine trolls when it comes to information about any natural or alternative treatment that threatens the profits and monopoly of mainstream drugs and treatments. I corrected their entry on oleander numerous times, only to have the mainstream trolls revert back to the one-sided information that is prevalent in mainstream sources when it comes to oleander.
Yes, again, I agree that oleander is highly toxic. In any given year anywhere from 0-3 deaths are reported worldwide from ingestion of raw oleander. And yes, homemade oleander extract - just like any other number of home remedies - could be dangerous if made and ingested improperly. The same actually could be said about home cooking. Are we therefore to abandon all foods and medicines unless they come off the shelves of a retail outlet?
The same could be said about power tools, lawn mowers, etc. If you don't follow directions you could get seriously hurt. Are we therefore supposed to only hire professionals for home repair and yard mainenance? The analogies are endless, and the answer is always the same. Follow directions and exercise prudent caution with anything that could be harmful.
I am well aware of the cancer fighting properties of curcumin - I recommend it highly, especially for those who smoke or have history of smokiing. And I consider it a good supplement to include in an overall cancer fighting protocol, but would never consider it as a stand-alone cancer fighter. In my opinion, it is more useful as a cancer preventive than an actual remedy for existing cancer. I in fact recommend it. Just because it has some of the same properties as oleander does not in any way mean that it is anywhere close to as effective as oleander. Gasoline is a combustible fuel, but that does not mean it performs anywhere close to jet or rocket fuel.
Here is a parial list of the cancer fighting compounds in oleander:
Oleandrin and a number of other cardiac glycosides including Neriin, Oleandrinogen, Oleandrigenin, Uzarigenin and others; several long-chain polysacharrides such as Beta-sistosterol; Quercitin, Linoleic-acid, Oleic-acid, Adynerin, Alpha-amyrin, Betulin, Foliandrin, Folinerin, Gitoxigenin, Isoquercitrin, Lauric-acid, Oleanolic-acid, Rutin, Stigmasterol, Ursolic-acid
Are you aware of any curcumin based protocols or supplements that have had over 90% success against a broad range of cancers? The fact is that one supplement based on oleander (Sutherlandia OPC) has had over 90% success against a broad range of cancers, including those in late stages and those where chemo and radiation had failed. In my own oleander soup group of almost 1000 members which has been around for five years, every member who has joined the group who had more than a few weeks left to live and/or an immune system ravaged by prior chemo and/or radiation is still alive and doing well. In fact, as far as I am aware only one such person is not still alive - and he joined the group after years of chemo and radiation for brain cancer.
You are mistaken about oleandrigenin - it is an aglycone metabolite of oleandrin, true, but it is also a cardiac glycoside.
As a final note - it is not my intention to get into a debate with you about oleander, but rather to share information I have learned after thousands of hours and years of time. I have followed some of your other posts here and think that you are making valuable contributions - I have myself learned from some of your posts, and I appreciate your sharing your knowledge in areas that I am less well versed in.
You know, our differences could have been handled much more diplomatically, but it appears that either you wish to get into a prolonged debate here about oleander as well as attempt to discredit me. It is disappointing to see you make so many other good posts here and to be so off based about oleander.
I may not be as scientifically well versed as you when it comes to discussing individual compounds or the minutaie of what does or does not constitute a cardiac glycoside or whether it is technically redundant to call something a "long chain" polysacharride, but I nevertheless do know oleander. I know the people who make Anvirzel, know the people who make the new form of oleander in phase I trials at MD Anderson, and know the lead scientific researcher at MD Anderson who has led or participated in most of the major peer reviewed scientific studies on oleander. I also know oleander and how well it works from years of personal experience with literally hundreds of people.
The bottom line here is that when it comes to oleander, I know what I know and you appear to know only what Wikipedia or mainstream literature tells you. By and large, mainstream medicine knows precious little about oleander other than the toxicity of the raw plant - and your point about warning people not to attempt to make their own "soup"
without knowing what they are doing is well taken and I will redouble my efforts to make that clear. However, I would suggest that before you go about warning people off something that has been proven to save thousands of lives you might be better advised to find out about the healing properties of an aqueous oleander extract by going beyond Wikipedia and general mainstream knowledge and opinion - something that your other posts here at this site indicate that you normally do.
I have given you plenty of links so that you can learn more about oleander, including much more authoritative sources than Wikipedia. You obviously have chosen to ignore them. Otherwise you would know that the Sutherlandia OPC herbal supplement gets it's name from the fact that it contains 20% of an extract of the Sutherlandia Frutescens plant (also known as the South Africa Cancer bush), which is indeed a good plant to compliment oleander but. like curcumin, is not as successful against cancer and autoimmune disorders as oleander.
Yes, curcumin is readily available, cheap and safe. It also is not water soluable and has very poor bioavailibility because only a tiny fraction of raw curcumin is absorbed in the body. Most importantly, despite all the excitement about cucumin, it is simply not nearly as effective as oleander and to state that it is might well be advice that would keep someone from otherwise beating cancer and THAT, rather than arguing the finer points of individual compounds, is what I am all about. Thus far, in over five years, no one who has followed my advice regarding oleander and fighting cancer, HIV or Hep-C is not still alive. Can you say the same?
I have already stated that I like and recommend curcumin - in fact I think it is great (and I take it every day myself), the same as does highly respected alternative cancer authority Webster Kehr of the reknown Cancer Tutor site ( He states on his site that he considers curcumin among the top 50 cancer fighters, though it has not yet made the cut to be listed among his top Stage IV, Stage III and other alternative treatments on the title page of his website. Oleander on the other hand is listed in his top 5.
Another top alternative cancer site is the Minnesota Wellness Directory. They too consider oleander to be one of, if not THE, best cancer fighters and often refer people to me for advice.
Marc Swanepoel, the cancer and HIV researcher and crusader who developed the OPC supplement has studied a great number of natural substances to help the HIV sufferers and indigent cancer victims in his native South Africa. His choice of major ingredients was oleander.
Likewise the well known and highly respected (outside the FDA) owner of Alpha Omega Labs had his choice of any ingredients in the world when he formulated his new Cansema III tonic. He and his medical professionals chose oleander as the main ingredient, along with graviola and chaparral.
Listing or debating the known actions of individual compounds is misleading. Isolating and concentrating on individual compounds is one of the great fallacies of mainstream medicine. The fact is that nature works synergistically and no one really knows how all the various compounds in oleander (which are far from identical to those in curcumin) or many other medicinal plants combine to make them as effective as they are. A compound noted in mainstream literature for producing one action may combine with other compounds to produce entirely other actions.
To paraphrase a department head at MD Anderson "We don't really know all the ways that oleander works. We just know that it appears to attack the bad cells, and ONLY the bad cells, and both cause them to die as well as prevent them from multiplying."
Rather than arguing about the number of cardiac glycosides, what their various names are, and the actions of individual compounds as reported by mainstream medicine, how about you show me where curcumin has been over 90% successful against a broad range of cancers or 100% effective in reversing AIDS symptoms. Or show me studies where an extract of curcumin was found to have six times the immune stimulating activity of the most powerful patented immune stimulators known to man.
If you can, then I will consider using it in the same breath as oleander. Until you do I will continue to consider it a good cancer preventative and a good complimentary cancer fighting supplement worthy of including in a cancer fighting protocol that includes more powerful cancer fighters.