I think you're making a wise choice going off everything and starting with Cortef. Just adding in one thing at a time to see how your body reacts, Also the temp graph is great for seeing how the adrenals are doing daily. I always knew if something wasn't right if my temps dropped or got eractic and I would stop it immediately. I've had weak adrenals for 25 years and hypothyroid and it reached a peak about 4 years ago. I crashed big time. And the stress from losing my job and income and fighting disability made it worse. My Acne has returned since being off Cortef and my allergies too. I increased my seriphos because of increased stress lately. Today my heart was racing so I added in magnesium too. My temps have risen from 98.7 average to 98.4. I'm feeling much better, still bummed about the stretch marks tho :( I think next I'll increase they thyroid 12.5 mg and see if that puts the temps.
Do you do the BP test to monitor your adrenals?