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Re: hepatitis c treatment focus - cirhosis or virus?
sunangel Views: 21,312
Published: 17 y
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Re: hepatitis c treatment focus - cirhosis or virus?

You can easily get by with just the Champion juicer. You just get more yield when you add a hydraulic press.

Your liver is responsible for the metabolism of all food groups - fats, sugars and proteins. But meat proteins are hard to digest and hard for your liver to deal with . The beginning of the end for hep c patients is when the ammonia from protein floods the bloodstream, taking the pH of the blood out of range and resulting in dementia. These episodes recur until you one kills you.

The idea of restricting protein is basically to give your poor liver a rest. A macrobiotic diet is the best.

If there is one supplement to take it might be alph lipoic acid.

Also you should go look at the Low Dose Naltrexone website. It is an FDA approved drug, but it has no side effects and works by activating and modulating your immune system to perform efficiently. It is given in almost a homeopathic dose.

This stuff is curing the most incurable diseases, and on a consistent, amazingly high percentage number of cases.

Check it out:

Good luck!


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