Hi Gladiola,
I can only give you my advice based on my own experiences. No two people react the same.
But, in general, the three things to face for you are:
1. viral activity measured by pcr. This means the amounts of viral particles in your bloodstream. Ideally you should try to get the numbers down. Interferon therapy tries solely to target the viral particles, at the cost of everything else. Holistic therapy tries to strengthen the body's immune system to deal with the virus.
2. Amount of fibrosis, or cirhosis. It is now acnowledged (a new development for the medical establishment) that fibrosis can and does get reversed. But it is important that that happens because it cirhosis that kills you. Viral load doesn't kill you. Cirhosis kills you. But cirhosis can be reversed.
3. Clearance of congestion from the tissues. This is necessary and can only be done with diet. This makes all the other things possible. It can be done by simply cleaning up your diet, or diet can be used more aggressively, for instance liquid-only juice diets.
You say that you are doing a lot of right things. That is very important. I think a person in your situation should be on a strict macrobiotic diet because it is clean and avoids fats, oils, dairy and processed carbs, etc. Vegetable or green juice would be a helpful dietary addition-especially as a meal replacement.
You should look into orthomolecular with your treatment. That means targeted nutrient megadoses. Go to
Intravenous alpha lipoic acid is very good. A naturopath can give you those. ALA stops all further degradation of the liver and is extremely hepatoprotective of the healthy cells. Also IV phosphatidylcholine and glutathione. You should do lot of alpha lipoic acid orally as well. Also phosphatidylcholine, but no oral glutathione, because it doesn't absorb well. See Burton Berkson PhD - the FDA lead investigator on Lipoic acid. He first used it to treat toxic liver poisoning on numerous wild mushroom pickers. These acute and (diagnosed) terminal patients responded immediately to IV lipoic acid because of its extremely protective qualities to the liver and recovered quite quickly. He has since used it for a number of things, but for the liver there is nothing better to protect your healthy cells. The phosphatidylcholine will eat up the scar tissue. Berkson has been using LDN and lipoic acid to treat cancer, quite successfully.
You should also find an integrative MD who will prescribe LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone) for you. Their website is here:
This is the only drug that you need - I know, it is a drug, but, when you understand how it works you will see that it is not a drug in the universal model of modern pharmaceutical drugs. It is actually a homeopathic dose of a drug that has been shown in tests to be hepatoprotective in even large doses. And it works by activating and truly modulating the the body's native immune system. See the LDN thread here on this page. You could try to go to my doc, but he is in Seattle.
The LDN will strengthen your immune system.
The Alpha Lipoic Acid will strengthen your functional liver cells.
The phosphatidylcholine will help break down your fibrosis.
The diet changes will clear the liver of steatosis (fatty deposits) that cause inflammation and fibrosis.
The combination of all will power your body's native healing systems to clean things up and make them heal.
As for
Colloidal Silver , I would first do all the above important things. After that, yes definitely, and there are a lot of other good things out there, and they all work optimally when your system is clean and ready to utilize it. It is your body that does all the work, it needs all the high powered nutrients and tools that can help.
I recently started taking LDN and using orthomolecular techniques. Because not many people have taken LDN for Hep C, I was persuaded to do my labs for verification purposes if I send them and follow up labs to the NIH for the Yahoo LDN/HepC group.
I haven’t done my labs in a while, but for my purposes, it is also a good time to do a lab evaluation because it is a big shift in my therapy. My labs tell me what progress I have made in the period of time from the end of treatment to the present.
Here is the timeline with corresponding pcr viral load values:
Before interferon my viral load was between 2-3 million.
Bailed out of interferon treatment after 12 weeks on Sept 2005. Viral load 2. Just 2, but my immune system, along with a host of other body functions were destroyed as seen…
Feb 2006, six months later, viral load 7 million and probably going up!
Eight months later, on Oct. 30 2006, the day I started a ten week green juice liquid-only diet my viral load was above reportable range of 5 million. (They picked a test that only reported a value of up to 5 million.) My enzymes were AST/ALT 124/203.
Jan 18 2007 at the finish of the 10 week juice diet, viral load 1.6 million, enzymes AST/ALT 77/90 I considered it good but not great.
Then, March 2, 2007, three months later and viral load again over reportable range of 5 million! This one really surprised me because I felt so much better, my body was freer and my energy was good. So I decided that the gains were going to be long range and therefore the tests should not even be done until I had finished a prolonged period of therapy.
And now, after 18 months of green juice, exercise and clean diet, viral load of 1.2 million! This is the result of a program that consisted of only good diet and exercise and also very few supplements in the last 18 months (since my last labs of over 5 million).
I did not order the lab tests for enzymes, but my liver function seems good, (GGT was normal), the liver tissue texture is very good, and I think the enzymes are way under control. I attribute the lowered viral load to the fact that my immune system is stronger. I hope that it is about to get a lot stronger with the LDN and Lipoic Acid.
I also have hypothyroidism, probably from treatment. TSH 7.54 with 4.50 high normal. T3 and T4 both normal, but T4 low normal. To address it I am taking USP Thyroid tablets, 2 a day for about a month. Also Lugol’s.
I was low on Vitamin A – I have not been using carrots in my juice – and CoQ10. Everything else was good.
I have H pylori! I have had a few mild symptoms just recently – they probably hate the green juice. So I am taking Betaine layered between bites of food at meals.
All fixable, and,
The good news:
I have very low ranges of heavy metals – arsenic, mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium
My GGT is 39, 3-85 is normal. Very good!
PTT is good, 30, 22-36 sec normal. Very good – blood clotting had been an issue.
CBC with diff showed all blood parameters normal.
SED rate very good 0, <20 mm/h normal
Vitamin D 27, 20-100 ng/mL so low normal also
Natural Killer Cell Function 90, 8-170 LU30 normal, so that is very good!
CoQ10 0.89, 0.44 – 1.64 mg/L, so normal
All in all, I am extremely happy to the point that I have reached. Treatment really hit me hard, and I think if I had not done the things that I did I would be in pretty drastic shape right now. Instead I feel great, and the labs back that up. I think this diet program was a key to building my native systems back up. And I am now at a great starting point to see what the orthomolecular nutrition and LDN (see
in addition to my existing diet and exercise program can do.
I’ll be doing my labs in another 3 months.
Mike H
Best wishes,