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Re: Anything you can eat or drink to help shrink gallstones before cleansing?
seeker Views: 11,908
Published: 23 y
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Re: Anything you can eat or drink to help shrink gallstones before cleansing?

Thanks again for your replies :) Susie, I'm assuming you just drank the apple juice during that week, right- no other food at all? Maybe I will try that. First I want to make sure my diet has been in order for a couple of months- I made a big switch about a month ago, but still have lapses now and then (last night I had two glasses of red wine and a meat sandwich- uk!). Fil, your supplement sounds intriguing. Are you taking it as a substitute for the oo/lemon juice liver cleanse, or in preparation for one? Is it supposed to help shrink stones? If so, I'm also interested!

Can I ask your guys' opinion on my plan for the next couple of months? What I want to do is continue to eat well for another few weeks while taking a kidney tea (nothing special, just what was available locally) and a mild liver tonic each day. Then I want to do an herbal parasite cleanse similar to the Clark one. After that, the plan is to do the Lemonade Diet for a week to ten days, wait another 2-3 weeks, fast on apple juice for a week, and *finally* do the liver flush. What do you think? Does this sound like a good order?

thanks a lot, I really enjoy this forum and the helpfulness of members towards newbies like me:)



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