Re: huge ascaris problem,help...
I'm sorry to say this, but I think your diet is working against your ability to do in the round worms. They just love sugar, if you give it to them IN your intestines they are smart enough to come and get it. You literally have to use food as bait, just like catching a mouse, or any other type of animal that moves around. I lot of people take something sweet, then wait about an half an hour to take the anti-
parasite herbs. When I'm doing a big cleanse, that's what I do. It works, after all, why did they leave your intestines, which is their natural habitat in the first place?
All that chicken and brocoli. I ususally use honey, but if I had badly scattered worms, I'd be very temped to give them exactly what they look for right where it's easiest to kill them. I read one post where the gal took a teaspoon of jelly an half an hour before the herbs. If you are diabetic, that could be a problem, but if not, try thinking like a round worm. Essentially, you are hunting, you have to understand the critter in order to kill it without hurting yourself.
I hope this helps, they are tough nasty critters, and I suspect that the reproduce so efficiently they are hard to kill off whatever you use. I've getting success killing them off with what I consider maitenence, I've been doing some
Liver Cleansing (just taking magnesium malate/malic acid, which freed up some stones) and then I started getting a lot of dead flukes and round worms. And I've been at it a while, killed a lot of them, and I'm very surprised at how tenacious they can be.
The more you understand about what you are dealing with, the more successful you will be. I also think that the drugs can really be a problem if they aren't given in a big enough dose to effectively kill everything. The one pharmaseutical I took, which was pyrantel pomeate, left me with scattering up by my left eye, and a nasty eye floater, and it took quite a while to get those guys either dead, or quiet. With a big worm load, my choice was to stick to a patient, safe, protocol, I didn't get the worm load I had overnight, and I can't get rid of it immediately. I'm also 58, I just didn't think I had much chance with getting my liver to recover from damage done by some of the drugs.
When you get to the point that your health is improving, rather than going down hill, it's much easier to kill the critters, but that takes a LOT of changes.
parasite Rex is a wonderful book, you might enjoy reading it. And I am sorry you are having trouble, they are scary, but remember, you are a lot smarter than a worm, and you can kill it off if you think it through, and make health decisions that are really what you can stand behind, because you have done your research and you understand the consequences.