Re: New doctor--need advice
If you really treat your candida hard by staying really strick on the diet and perhaps do a
parasite cleanse too then you may see the other things disapear. I would visit the
Candida Forum . I have all the same symptoms as you do and when I treat my candida with anti-fungals, probiotics, the diet, coffee enemas, etc. I notice a huge improvement in my other health problems. I do use isocorts for my adrenals which has made a huge difference in my energy levels and hypoglycemia. I try to go to bed by 10pm and sleep till at least 8am and walk for 1/2 hr. per day. when you suffer from adrenal fatigue you do need a little mellow exercise each day but cannot over-due it. Dr. wilsons book is very good as well as info. you find researching adrenal fatigue on the internet. If you feel better about getting the testing done then I would go for it in order to perhpas get to a root cause or rule things out but I have spent at least $15,000 this year and still am not 100% on my root cause (not sure if it's candida or adrenals so I am treating both). All tests show bowel toxicity and yes my adrenals are low and I am hypothyroid but when I try taking thyroid meds it pulls my adrenals down further after a few weeks because they are not strong enough to handle the thyroid meds yet. I do shots of B12, pregnenelone, folic acid, DHEA, and hydrocortisone for my severe adrenal fatigue and take isocort and have noticed a huge inprovement in my adrenal fatigue and hope to get back on the thyroid soon but I am curious if I will even need the thyroid once my candida is gone and the
parasites that I have are all dead. I would start off with the candida diet as well as doing some various cleanses if I were you before you get the tests done and see if you feel any better? I go to an amazing doctor in Reno NV at Gerber Medical Center and I am seeing some good progress here. I have noticed a huge difference in my energy while
juicing green veggies and following a 80% raw food diet with no sugar, alcohol, dairy, or gluten. I also stay away from my
food allergies . Hope this helps, I know how confusing it is to try to find the root cause. Best of luck to you!
Many Blessings,