Re: New doctor--need advice
First of all you have a lot of things going on. One thing is for sure that you have thyroid and adrenal fatigue. They go hand in hand. Please buy Dr. Wilson's book, Adrenal Fatigue, the 21st century syndrome. This book will help you for your life. Also buy yourself a blood
Sugar meter. Test your blood sugar, very likely hypoglycemia is also the culprit. I know from my daughter's experience. Normally low blood
Sugar is the reason one feels depressed and have brain fog. If you have adrenal fatigue, do not exercise heavily, light walking helps. Also hypoglycemics should not exercise.
Excess Estrogen can hurt your thyroid. Thyroid trouble is very easy to diagnose. Sleep with a thermometer at your bedside. Take your temperature, under your armpit, it is called basal temperature. Make sure you do not move too much in bed before taking the temperature. If below 96 degree F, you have thyroid problem. Also you probably feel cold very easily. Take
Iodine (Lugol's) everyday, it will help your thyroid and other conditions as well.
Liver Flushes and
Colon Cleanse regularly every month. Get the saliva test for Adrenal fatigue done.
What is your diet like? Eating right foods is important. My advice is to you is eat organic foods and stay away from meats if possible. Eat nature made foods, not man made. Please write back with some history so I can give you more information.