Past indiscretions? If you say so - though I do not consider speaking out against Charlie to be one. I do try to always learn from my experience and improve along the way - to do otherwise is to stop living and merely exist. As far as changing though, mainly it is just my thought that perhaps it would be appropriate for me to exercise a wee bit more restraint now that I am both a private forum owner and a public moderator here. Which is not to say that I will cut one nanometer of slack to formerly banned member with multiple IDs who try to sneak back in again.
As far as my two cents, they are only as valuable as other members perceive them to be - the same as everyone else.
One other area I am working to improve is not getting drawn into prolonged discussions or debates that serve no purpose. This one has already lasted too long, and so I will leave you to carry on or not as you please.