its weird mo as nutreopths always looked at my tongue and said u got thrush/candida but ive had tests through my docs twice had swabs twice and both times they came back not oral thrush nor candida or thrush but i still kept thinking of have candida and things just got worse and worse especially with my intestines only ever had die off with parastite stuff never with candida diet or anti fungals funny how i have a virus though i always knew it as i suffer from coldsores but without my telling him when he did my tests he said u have herpes simplex virus and said i bet u get coldsores he was right he aslo told me i didnt have candida just bad parastites bacteria overgrowths i just hope i get better now on his treatment like sans im going to see a mercury free dentists as i have bleeding gums and after his post i think this mybe adding to it not causing it just adding