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Re: Glutathione deficiency & autoimmune diseases,viruses,

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jessesmom1987 Views: 26,818
Published: 17 y
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Re: Glutathione deficiency & autoimmune diseases,viruses,

>>>> I sort of wonder that if the liver/immune system was functioning normally then parasites/candida/mercury etc wouldnt be an issue (but maybe wrong).

I agree.

And a side-note too- When I began looking things up, I found old posts of Sans Sucres- and I also found another forum she- correct me if it's he--had old posts on. When I clicked on her name to see what more I could find, I found her recent post on Morelesses where she had posted the same thing she just recently posted about the mouth/gum too...I've had gum infection issues. I don't think they are cleaned up yet either. I had the planing/deep pocket cleaning, and have had follow up cleanings every 3 months- had to have my wisom teeth out at the age of 48, because of chronic infections in the gums around them.

But, I also still have two fillings that I know need to come out (mercury)- and yes, mercury goes hand in hand with the glutathione too.

I think all of this stuff is innerconnected. And a poor working liver, weakened immune system doesn't fend off toxins, bacterias, mycotoxins, parasites, fungus, viruses etc.

Liver Flushing is part of the Alt Med Dr's protocol...but he doesn't say it is the "end all cure" for all of this either. It's a tool to help clear out backed up stuff in the liver. People aren't understanding there is much more to the process..I was one of them, I know that to be true. What got my attention about that the one year of Liver Flushing regularly hadn't cleared out the toxins in the liver like I thought it was supposed to do--was the Biomeridian test specifically done to see what was going on with the liver still--and there's still plenty going on--
heavy metals
Lyme (from the Rocky Mtn spotted fever 40 years ago)

We can still have toxins in our liver from things we were exposed to years ago.

Another interesting connection: all my glands were out of whack, and the Dr has helped me get them back in balance with natural glandulars- hypothalmus, pituitary, thyroid- getting them balanced helped bring the adrenals around--and the thymus was also weak (immune system).

One of the thyroid supplements he had me taking (Thyro-CNV from Apex Energetics)--looked to me like it was just vitamins etc...and now I'm reading on the bottle that it's for "thyroid metabolism and glutathione synthesis" has all the same supplements I've found in other places for the glutathione production--so glands are affected too.


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