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Re: Interaction of silver nanoparticles with HIV-1
ParaZapper Views: 9,507
Published: 17 y
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Re: Interaction of silver nanoparticles with HIV-1

>- I prefer to be educated instead of being brainwashed

I agree with you, but I do think that both sides of the argument need to be discussed. That aside, I do agree that the "establishment" gives us too much b.s.

The FDA claims that the only thing that can cure is a drug ... That is an absolute lie.

Vitamin D ( a natural substance ) and calcium ( a natural substance ) will cure rickets. Nothing else can do this.

Viatmin C ( a natural substance ) will cure scurvy. Nothing else can do this.

Vitamin B1 ( a natural substance ) will cure beriberi. Nothing else can do this.

Niacin and tryptophan will cure pellagra. Nothing else will do this.

These are the best known examples of natural cures.

On the other hand, Antibiotics do not cure. They only slow the growth rate of certain microbes enough to allow our immune system to handle them.

Vacines can provide immunity but at a possible cost. It is, however, our immune system that cures in this case.

There are drugs that will cover up a symptom enough to make a person think that they are cured, but just stop taking that drug and see what happens.

Drugs do not cure high blood pressure.

Cholesterol reducing drugs do not cure arterial blockage. On does show some slight reduction, but a natural substance ( sodzyme ) is ten times as effective.



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