At least it does insofar as silver is concerned. In other areas, it is not as important - or at least that is information I have been getting away with for lo these many years.
I might point out that the silver made by Utopia Silver has a mean average of 2 nanometers and a range of .64 nanometers to 9 nanometers - precisely within the range shown to be effective in Sunver's post.
Some other points:
One would presume that if the particles can get in, they can also get out unless our body's and cells are a system of one-way doors.
As another poster pointed out, some of what you referenced regarded silver nitrate, a different animal than colloidal/ionic silver.
Surface area matters far more than quantity, though certainly quantity does matter.
Insofar as dangers, thus far there has not been one single instance of danger from properly made colloidal or ionic silver despite no end of mainstream propaganda to the contrary. Even the famous blue man, Papa Smurff Karason, was found to have a clean bill of health - and he has consumed massive amounts of improperly made and contaminated silver for years.