Can you show me where it says that I subscribe to a chemtrail conspiracy? I don't know for an absolute fact what is in the chemtrails or what the purpose is, but I have seen and witnessed enough to not believe they are all merely contrails. Nor do I believe they can be explained away as merely chaff with some aluminum in it (though aluminum is linked to some really bad things itself).
More and more people and private labs are getting involved. The early reports, while debatable as to legitimacy in some instances, are not good and I believe we will be seeing more such reports as time goes by.
As for the link in the report, you can't be serious? The iowa family asked their senator about chemtrails and he received the report from the GAO by way of explanation. I would not expect the GAO to include the term "chemtrails" in the report. The admission of "chaff" was damning enough.