Re: A message for chemtrails naysayers: 2006 GAO report admits "chaff"
You work in the industry and so why even bother
with this tiny forum on an alternative healing
website. Why do you even care what we think??
You sound like other propagandists who have a
vested interest in screaming chemtrails do not
exist, loud and long enough that the media and
the public begin to believe it. I have a vested
interest in discerning the truth for myself
and so will read all of the reports and view the
youtube videos and study the libraries of the
chemtrail images and decide for myself that what
I see being laid out over my home is what others
are calling chemtrails, or not.
Also, YOU google "proof of chemtrails" and then sift
through all the information and research there and
decide for yourself. I have doubts you will convince
me that you are right, but perhaps you may find some
obscure fact which may convince you that you are
wrong. I do not see any reason I should do your
homework for you if you are truly interested in
learning the truth. I suspect you are mainly here
to cloud it.
Here is a link you can put your nose to and start
your hunt~~
and another for those who wish to become more
discerning observers of what is happening in
the skies above us~~
be happy, be observant,