The end
I can only assume that wherever you are from, it is somewhere that doesn't take sexual abuse as seriously as we do here. It is a HUGE problem, but you do seem rather ignorant of the signs and symptoms. It is an issue that is still "in the closet" in many countries, but MUCH more common than you know...and by the way, your English is excellent; I don't believe THAT is the communication problem.
I'm not here for you to "like" me - I don't personally "like" or "dislike" you - but to encourage you to open your mind for the sake of your child. Do some research, if you care about her. I realize it's a painful experience to imagine this might have happened to your daughter (and resent or "dislike" those who point it out), but you need to be strong enough to face YOUR fears, for her sake. It seems the posters are more concerned than her own mother, so I give you the benefit of the doubt regarding a lack of knowledge. But many have been in your position and let their child down.
The abuse issue hasn't been "ruled out" except by you, who knows nothing about it, while your child exhibits classic signs.
I can only pray for your daughter and enlightenment for you. Good luck.