Startin 4th day now.
Done 3 days, starting the 4th- Hi all! I am new faster, thanks to you. I have been reading this forum while making my mind. I still need a lot of education, but plan to get it "in the way".
I have finished my 3rd day of fasting. No hunger at all, no big discomfort. But I had some simptoms I did not expect, like feeling to cold, experiencing chills. I read in one of your recommended links that I should not give it any importance, just to cover myself. I live in South Florida, so the temperature outside does not justify it, but the air conditioning is always on in my home. I have on long pants, double socks, and 2 tops, the outer one with long sleeves. As of now, it should be enough.
I am also having very dry lips -I sleep with my mouth a little open because my nostrils are almost never clear- Breathing not too easy. Any way, during the second day I used olive oil on my lips. Today I started to use coco butter, I think this is best. You may have a better suggestion. I just do not want the skin to peel in my lips.
I also had, this past afternoon of the 3rd day, back pain, in the medium to upper section. It lasted only a couple of hours, but was uncomfortable enought to make me think about Tylenol -Of course, I know I can not take any drugs now.
I decided to go for 30 days out of desperation- got to be honest with you. I am small and weighted 205
pounds before starting (196 now or 9 lbs lost during the first 3 days). I can not move easily nor carry my body around like before. Chances are I will not lose all the lbs I need to with the fasting, but it will be a good start. I am afraid for my health and the many diseases affecting obese people.
I also need to recover some mental and spiritual things. I believe the fasting will help me transform my life. I know it can give me a feeling of empowerment that will help me use discipline in all areas of my life. I badly need that.
I count now with time, a quiet time, and I am not working. So, I thought this was the moment to do it, since I can relax, go to bed, or whatever I want to if I need to. It was a matter of "now or never", since I will not always have these favorable conditions to fast.
I got to mention that during the first 2 days of my fast I experienced a very heavy depression, sadness, and even cried. I realized I had masked some normal sad feeling with food. Like if I have used food to hide myself from the afflictions we all normally get with the businees of living. I dont know if there is may be a hidden
Depression that will be healed with the fasting, and then it is showing itself now.
I live with a family member who does not know I am fasting. I plan to keep it a secret for as long as I can for obvious reasons.
I am very grateful to you, my newly found friends. We have similar minds and interests. The fact that you exist give me moral support and comfort.