Re: taste
"As I recall, Martha Christy cautioned against drinking a lot of
water on UT, she said
it would dilute the healing properties. And, Armstrong talks about fasting only
on urine."
J. W. Armstrong was suffering from "consumption" (tuberculosis) of
the lungs along with diabetes and had followed the then allopathic medical
routes for two years with progressive disease before learning about a man who
gave his daughter her own urine which cured her diphtheria in three days.
Here is a quote from page 29 of his book: "Fortified by my faith in what
I thought to be the correct interpretation of the text (i.e. bible), I fasted
for forty-five days on nothing by urine and tap water - and this, despite the
doctor's assertion that eleven days without food was the limit......I also
rubbed urine into my body - a very important factor in the cure.... He
cured his illness with this fast, which he broke, by the way, with raw meat!
All of the urine fasts that he prescribed for patients were urine and water,
not just urine alone. I try to follow what my body is asking for and
personally drink a lot of fluids - both hot and iced tea plus some water,
because I feel it helps flush out anything that UT is healing.