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Iodine as mercury chelator
julieuma Views: 7,224
Published: 17 y

Iodine as mercury chelator

Hi everybody,
I'm back here to ask a question about Iodine being a chelating
agent for mercury. I stopped using Iodine (I was using Lugol's
and Iodoral) back in Sept. '07 when it became clear it was not
making me any better, in fact, quite the opposite. I've had
a pretty awful year--had arthroscopic surgery on my left knee
(not related, but it still hurts--pain may not be related to
surgery), but the worst of it is high cortisol reading from
recent saliva, and the concomitant weight gain around the abdomen
and waist, the inability to sleep anymore, and some horrific
eczema that just does not want to quit on my left palm and fingers,
which I had beginning in Feb. '07 when I was in the throes of
my experimentation with the detoxified Iodine at that time. Later
came the Lugol's and Iodoral. Anyway, I've had to stop working out
at the gym, because how do you work out when you've had 3 hrs.
sleep? there have been a couple of nights when I slept not at all
but still had to drag myself out of bed at 6:00 am to be at work
by 8:00 a.m. Not fun. Or just two hours' sleep...or three...whatever
it is, not enough. Itch has spread to my eyelids and undereyes and
I'm pouchy and wrinkled, red, itchy, scaly, swollen and miserable
there, and have been for over a year or so. Lost muscle mass, what
little I had left after going thru menopause, and all strength and
what stamina I had. I hardly do yoga anymore, something i'd done
for some 20+ years when all this happened. Back in 1999 I saw a
wholistic doctor who gave me a DMPS challenge test for heavy metals
and it was found I was high in mercury, even though I had had all
amalgams replaced in 1987-88 plus all 3 crowns replaced. I got nowhere
with the DMSA chelation in the year or more that I saw him, so I gave
it up. This past weekend I saw a doctor out of my area who specializes
in chelation for heavy metal, and he says he has a protocol which is
different from the one my first wholistic doc used. This one uses
the DMSA as chelator and then after you're done with that (takes 3-8
months) you do another challenge test and you start using something
called SanPharma. So my question is, could the chronic fatigue and
other related symptoms of heavy-metal poisoning have come back with
a vengeance due to my 9-month experimentation with iodine? Has anyone
here experienced that? If so, how did you go about treating it, if
at all? And has anyone here heard of SanPharma products (they are
from Germany) or used them, and any thoughts on that? I realize
that this is not the forum to be asking about chelation and such,
but I'm concerned that I may have exacerbated my mercury toxicity
(i.e., brought them out of latency) by provoking it by means of iodine,
and then not done anything to help get it out of my system, figuring that
whatever I had loosened up would find its way out of my system via
Thanks for your input!


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