Re: Chrisb or Fonty!!! HELP!!!
Hello veganjenny,
I could have warned you that hot baths are just not recommended whilst fasting, or at any other time come to that, as they are extremely enervating to the body. The symptoms of weakness that you have experienced are because of this.
Breaking your fast while your body is still dealing with this excessive heat is yet another reason why you have experienced the loss of fluids in this way.
Bad colds and a strept throat are just your body throwing off toxins, and is not unusual fasting or not. A cold is just the bodys way of releasing those toxins, a sort of safety valve if you like.
I would advise you to continue with your fast, BUT you will need to rest as much as possible until these crises develop and pass. The more you rest, the more your body will have the energy left at its disposal to expel these toxins.
Shelton insisted on bed-rest for the maximum cleansing and utilization of your bodily energies that are being directed towards this end.
This has been a learning curve for you and I hope that you follow the above advice for your own benefit.