Turiya, if that's your vision of our founders, you are seriously misguided. Every generation has something for which they are ashamed. Slavery was the flavor of the day back then. There will always be something like that as long as man walks on the earth. I'm not saying it was right. As far as them being just a bunch of white guys, you're parroting that from the general consensus these days. Nothing could be further from the truth. Those "white guys" knew what tyranny was and they were afraid of it. They knew firsthand how it crept up on a country and the results of it. They gave us the most brilliant docuements of all time to make sure government was kept in its place. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are timeless documents. They make sense anywhere, anytime. And shame on us . . . we have basically used them for toilet paper. I'm ashamed that you would say something like that. It reminds me of Bush saying the Constitution is just a GD piece of paper. But I suppose that is society today -- nothing is held to have any meaning or regard today. It's disgusting.