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Re: None of which justifies the lives and dollars of the Iraqi war
dquixote1217 Views: 2,040
Published: 17 y
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Re: None of which justifies the lives and dollars of the Iraqi war

The elite bankers provide the funds to go to war.  Dating back centuries now, the Rothschilds and their allies have financed BOTH sides of just about every major war that has happened.  In many instances they fomented the wars.  And profited hugely since part of the finance agreements was that no matter who won, the war debts would be repaid.

In the case of the Iraqi war, the elite bankers who make up the federal reserve have financed the war by loaning the government money that has to be repaid plus interest.  Not to mention the Chinese bankers.  Who would ever imagine us borrowing money from China to wage war?

The net result is the great sucking sound (shades of Ross Perot!) as our money, our standards of living and our moral values are sucked across our borders.




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