Give me liberty or give me mediocrity and servitude
Yes, Roky - if we do not act to stop the North American Union, which is proceeding right along despite the will of the people, pretty soon we will be taking care of every impoverished and sick citizen of the entire North American continent, including millions of Mexicans, at the expense of our own standards of living. Ultimately, we will all become slaves at a much lower standard of living with far fewer freedoms. Perhaps in an ideal world, all would share and share alike. But in the real world it does not work that way. And we know who the global elite and their neo-con and other agents are who would be the masters.
Bringing America low is part of the plan - and thus we see the loss of freedoms, loss of value of the dollar, open borders and amnesty. As citizens, we have to stand up and resist these changes and demand that we return to the vision of our forefathers and preserve that vision.
Even those who are not yet ready to buy into the idea of a planned global one world government, have to ask why should America be punished for having been successful? Should the student who studies and works hard and makes all A's have to give 30 grade points away to another student who failed miserably when it is diploma time? When all become forced to be equal, all become servants to those who do the forcing.