I feel your pain, Rudi - but a lifeboat only holds so many
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.
Those words are some of the noblest ever written and have long been a source of pride for millions of Americans. Sadly, Rudi, they speak of a different time when our population was small and open land and seemingly limitless resources stretched from shore to shore.
Today, the great melting pot has finally filled to overflowing, and the breadbasket of the world is taxed to the limit. Our efforts would be better spent returning liberty and freedom to our own citizens and showing the world by way of example (and voluntary humanitarian assistance) how to better their food supply, freedoms and standards of living.
If we do not act to preserve America, we will surely end up seeing her brought down to the level of the third world countries whose refugees continue to pour into our country both in standards of living and values - and what in the long run will that accomplish?
I feel your pain, Rudi, and wish that it still could be so. I just don't see how it can. No matter how much you wish it and how much anquish it causes, you can only put so many people in a lifeboat before it sinks.