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Re: Give me liberty or give me mediocrity and servitude
turiya Views: 2,038
Published: 17 y
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Re: Give me liberty or give me mediocrity and servitude

there's really no going back. there is only moving forward downstream with the current... get a good inner tube for the ride. resisting change is what most have been doing all their lives. that is why the world is full of conflict. clinging to the old rotten crap. you're sounding like one of those that thinks the golden age is somewhere in the past... the grand so-called founding fathers... they were just a bunch of white guys, some of which owned slaves, holding hands and singing their own version of kumbaya. there are others that think the golden era lay somewhere far off in the future... perhaps, even in some sort of after-life, the jim jones' of the world - both sides of the coin are dreaming about the best of times that are not part of this present reality.

best to keep a good bag to jokes around to lighten up the darker days that may very well soon be upon us... get yourself some good camping equipment (one thing that is still made in america) and plenty of matches and make the best of the times as one can find, regardless of how you think this existence should be laid out for you.



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