18 y
Re: Inflated housing markets
It's simply a matter that the poster would rather believe in
Conspiracy theory than the very basic element of cyclical real estate. The person keeps talking about arithmetic, but in economics, one plus one does not always equal two. Yes, it's a horrible market that is now self correcting. This whole thing started with the affluence of the dot com era, when everyone was living high on the hog! Jobs were plentiful. It even surprised the experts that the increase in home prices stayed at high rates. And now we are running into a situation where the developers (who the poster probably think are completely evil) are not building enough homes for the demand. Also many cities are woefully lacking in decent rental housing.
There will always be sharks and unscrupulous people out there feeding on those that want to own a home. But I think there is only one element we should be looking at here.....George W. Bush. Get him out of office and get someone in office that may know what the hell they are doing, and perhaps we can get this country back on track.
If you offer 50% of the price, you can laugh at the owner as you make the offer, but you sure as hell are not going to get the house. The market is the market. Fight it all you want, but it is what it is.
And the whole idea of women working and landlords targeting that fact to raise rent prices?....Oh come on. That is absurd.
The poster is also saying that women have to work to support their lazy husbands. I guess our place is in the kitchen and having them babies. Forget about something intellectually stimulating, out in the workforce, possibly doing something fulfilling?
Pure, unadulterated ignorance. But a perfect Rant.