Having daily eliminations is of prime important aspect of cleansing whether it's detox or colon cleansing. If you're not eliminating psyllium 2 to 3 times a days then you are definitely plugged up with the BPs. We've had folks on this forum getting plugged up bad enough with the BPs to land them in the emergency room. On an empty system with no solids the bentonite can become like a plaster (as per Andreas Moritz) and really plug things up bad. That why it's best to do the BPs while eating regular solids to push that stuff out.
If you're not eliminating a minimun of twice daily you need to stop the BPs before you do more harm than good with all the toxins backed up in the system being reabsorbed. At least significantly up your daily water intake and try my morning routine and if you don't eliminate the SWF within 3 hrs I say it's time to stop the BPs altogether for sure.