I realize that he rubbed some people the wrong way here but consider this: for a long time now, the reports of people having success battling candida symptoms have been few and far between. If just diet and antifungals were enough to effect a recovery, we'd probably know by now. Could it be that a new approach, based on a new way of looking at the problem, is needed?
Basically his way of thinking seems to be increasing the bile flow from the liver will fix the terrain of the digestive tract, correcting the environment first so that it's inhospitable to anaerobic organisms incl. yeast/fungus/bacteria etc. and dysbiosis doesn't have a chance to get a foothold.
Charlie is making the foundation of his treatments (his liver tonic) available and some people are starting to try it out. Those people will no doubt report back on their progress (or lack thereof) and we'll all know soon enough if it is what he says it is. At least it differs from the diet-and-antifungal methods we've seen countless times in the past.