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Re: Silverfox - heart palpitations
jfh Views: 5,777
Published: 17 y
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Re: Silverfox - heart palpitations

I dare not make an opinion regarding heart problems or new heart fluctuations; but I did want to respond to your statement Silverfox.

"However, my personal belief is that detoxification, unless life threatening, should be a gradual process. A person usually doesn't accumulate toxins in a short period of time, it is not reasonable to take the approach that they should not be removed in a short period of time?"

Even the allopathic medical world is quite familiar with Herxheimer reactions to drugs. It is no different for herbal therapy and certainly not for Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . When pathogens die, they emit toxins. When these pathogens die quickly, whether Miracle-Mineral-Supplement or drugs, they leave so much toxin that the liver and other immune system organs become overwhelmed. Many varying reactions occur due to that process. The body wants to get rid of this as fast as possible. So, it is not that the individual has accumulated toxins as much as it is that the individual's use of Antibiotics , anti-fungals, and antivirals has caused this quick build up of toxins.


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