Re: how often do you fast?
Hello bella lucia,
the need for regular fasting depends on your lifestyle and by the degree of your own bodily toxicity, but by following a Natural Hygienic lifestyle, that need is far less than would otherwise be the case, as that will keep the levels of toxemia down to the absolute minimum.
My own personal regimen follows (amongst others) that of Dr Edward Hooker Dewey who wrote the book "The No Breakfast Plan and The Fasting Cure"; he was one of the early pioneers in fasting, and who also advocated lifestyle changes in the maintenance and recovery of good health along Hygienic lines.
#1. I never eat breakfast, or what many consider to be breakfast.
#2. First meal of the day is "brunch" a lunchtime meal of properly-combined organic fruit in season (as much as is desired).
#3. Evening meal is the main meal of the day: a predominantly protein or starchy vegetarian meal consisting of a large salad with nuts or steamed vegetables with a nut roast would be just two variations.
#4. I also water-fast for one day a week which is usually a Monday.
I lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle, so the need for food is less than if I were a farmhand or doing heavy physical labor, where I would need to eat more thru calorific expenditure.
However, despite this lifestyle, I still feel the need to fast once a year for 7 to 10 days, for a bit of extra housecleaning.
A very reliable test to discover your levels of toxemia (and therefore your risk of disease) is to live on pure-water only for up to 72 hours, during which time, if you experience headaches, general malaise, muscular weakness, and even a little nausea, then your toxemic levels are quite high; on the other hand, if you do not experience these symptoms during that time-frame, but enjoy more strength, and mental buoyancy , then your levels of toxemia are low, and the need for any further fasting is just not necessary.