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Re: Body detox or purge or something else?

Cleanse the Liver
with a natural herbal detox

Hulda Clark cleanses
Wormwood, Clove, Clarkia, Turmeric, Epsom Salt, Uva Ursi, Goldenr...

chrisb1 Views: 2,900
Published: 17 y
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Re: Body detox or purge or something else?

Your welcome #83873,
Humor? Well they do say that laughter is the best medicine.

Even if you are not ready for surgery, I would seriously consider it within the near future, as this could easily be your best option.
Yes, people (like me) have had their lives saved by fasting, as this was not a structural health problem, which only surgery may correct: Mainstream tend to excel at trauma injuries such as yours.

Have you had the pain over your Liver investigated and/or diagnosed?
Your best chance of alleviating your digestive/intestinal issues is with raw food and their juices, but being careful to eat only according to appetite: small meals taken more frequently may be very helpful here.

"Since you believe fasting can perform a full body cleanse and the other cleanses are not needed. Can I fast again when the refeeding program is complete?"
Yes, but allow for a slightly longer refeeding period because of your impaired digestion to enable your reserves to be replenished adequately.

"How often is it safe to do a fast of 21 days or longer as long as the refeeding program in between is 80/20 raw/ cooked/steam, no dairy or meat and refined items minimal or none?"
Yes: no dairy or meat and definitely no refined/processed or denatured foods of ANY kind. Two or even three prolonged fasts of 25 to 40 days may be required to effect the greatest healing potential of the body, followed by correct living habits in between, and are infinitely more efficacious than a series of shorter fasts.

I have read a little about Dr Schultze and his herbal formulas with detox and so on, and do see merit in them, but as you say his programmes are quite expensive.
However, nutrition is nutrition, where Dr Schultze provides very concentrated herbal products, and are therefore more effective than the run of the mill ones.
An organic plant-based raw food and juice programme, will achieve the same results as his, of that I am absolutely certain.

They say a problem shared is a problem halved, and it is indeed rather unfortunate that you cannot share your health woes and compare notes with a similar patient.

I am doing my best here though to help you, and feel a high degree of empathy with your predicament, but that can only be a poor substitute for the real thing I'm afraid.




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