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Re: Body detox or purge or something else?
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Re: Body detox or purge or something else?

Thank you Chrisb1 and Lulu for your thoughts on my situation. I have included the data below and some additional info .

#1 this fast was from march to part of april was 32 complete days. ( a prior fast in sept of 28 days ended with hypokalemia). I am 14 days post fast right now.

#2 Fast was broken on Watermelon ( solid). then went to oranges tomatos and back to melon. Natural hunger returned by day 2 or 3. Moved to salads around day 6 continuing with fresh fruit. Juicer was malfunctioning and I was feeling ill so I thought I could break on juicy fruit since I did not have a problem with the first fast. Much more liberal in eating patterns on the first fast because of physician and nutrition advisers.... but won't do that again even though I did okay.

#3 Appetite is normal. sometimes more hungry than others. Not as thirsty as I was on the fast.

#4 Left shoulder pain appears to radiate on top of the shoulder toward the median line. No apparent swelling. This began post fast , 1 week ago. Not from overuse. it appears mainly stationary but can be aggravated with some movement (ie. way I sleep, pressure etc). I should probably mention had left subacromial surgery in 2005 and that I require "critical" spine surgery in two areas that will result in pins fusion taking bone from my hip etc due to lumbar and cervical damage related to trauma and genetics. I have a C5 nerve radiculapathy and L5 nerve entrapment in regards to "nerve impingment"- likely related to movement of discs from accident and subsequent spur formation and traumatic arthritic sequelae. I would like the miracle of not needing the surgery if it is possible to heal myself, but I am realistic and at the very minimum know that at least I can strengthen my immune system detox to tolerate the surgery and perhaps heal faster. I also have some old injuries from trauma , digestive issues likely resulting from the many medications and bugs like candida that got a hold on me that fasting has shown to be helpful with.

#5 Right sided pain- began few days prior to ending 32 day fast.

#6 Bowels- Normal elements have not returned. Very liquid, undigested food material apparent, brown green yellow coloring to fluid. Odd voiding problem began 4 days, excessive fluid loss via urine and bowel. Bowels began moving 3rd day post fast but not solid- undigested material present at that time as well.

Spasms began on day two of this elimination pattern which was day 12 post fast. They occur when leg is elevated on stool or when asleep. Lower leg goes into spasm, toes will curl, lasted ten minutes or more last night. I try massaging it.


1. In order to resolve this situation, should I just continue with raw or go to juice immediately? I know I need to get a juicer pronto. Replacement of CPU is big cost so was trying to delay thinking I could manage on juicy fruits at this point post fast.

2. I wanted to just fast again to see if there is resolution but I am concerned all this body purging has led to imbalance with the spasms so I not sure I am ready for that?

3. I know I have candida from external issues and the result of some eliminations. Having cats and eaten sushi in the past and traveled worked in Africa probably have parasites.

I was planning on doing a series of cleanses but not sure where to start right now. Some say start with Liver Flush since that is where my symptoms are.

Any recommendations for cleansing protocols at this point???

Been considering the incurables program, it is expensive, but a cure would so be worth getting off this merry go round.

JUST FOR THE RECORD OF ANY WOULD BE FASTER __ FASTING HAS DONE MUCH FOR ME and I will continue. It helped 1} clear away many itching rashes- possible candida, 2) eliminated Sugar cravings 3)lost weight 4) renewed skin from contact dermatitis 5) reduced need for medications 6) reduced pain level associated with trauma and damage 7) Reflux is less severe. I also had a lot of short fasting periods before I could continue into one long fast, so don't give up, the whole thing is a journey .My twisted path to this point is the result of alot of trauma and pharmaceuticals that complicated issues, and the MAD?SAD ( std american diet) that requires a complete lifestyle overhaul mentally physically spiritually and nutritionally. I was really brainwashed by dogma spewed out by so many individuals with big credentials behind their names when in fact the drug and the treatments were killing me or hurting me in some way, or simply a huge waste of finances on practices that do not cure the problem and there was no end in site regarding the termination of long range use of pharmaceutical agents. I still believe surgery may not be necessarily avoided in my situation, but I am definitely trying the holistic path vigorously to find out. But for one's general lifestyle, truly healthy choices, healthy habits, and foods that aid the body in its functions rather than detract from it mineral and nutrient reserve is paramount.It is a decision. I see fasting in this day and age as a necessity not in just regaining my health, but by the fact that the air water and most food sources are highly contaminated. Even in homes the outgassing of natural and man made materials, chemicals all lead us into contaminated environments. I read an article recently that stated an average newborn had 287 contaminants in its umbilical cord and that is before it has lived outside womb for 24 hours. Well we all have our own thoughts and theories. I just didn't want any would be faster to give up because they are reading about some of my difficulties. Good luck in your journey if you are reading this.

Thank you to anyone who responds.

Take Care.


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