Re: Body detox or purge or something else?
Hello #83873,
that is quite a complicated health issue, with no easy answers I'm afraid.
Fasting will allow your body to heal to its maximum extent, but unfortunately, is not a panacea.
I don't think that your breaking of the fast is associated with your health issues.
No swelling is a good sign, as any inflammation is the bodys efforts in healing the body-part affected, which leads into the post-fast pain: it is most likely a healing disturbance of your previous subacromial surgery which could have resulted in "subacromial impingement" and therefore the pain you are now experiencing.
This is however, becoming a little more complicated and beyond my expertise as I am not medically trained, so this has to be an educated guess........your comment #83873........
"critical spine surgery in two areas that will result in pins fusion taking bone from my hip etc due to lumbar and cervical damage related to trauma and genetics. I have a C5 nerve radiculapathy and L5 nerve entrapment in regards to "nerve impingment"- likely related to movement of discs from accident and subsequent spur formation and traumatic arthritic sequelae."
What I do know is this: Cervical radiculopathy may cause symptoms to appear in the neck, (SHOULDERS), arms, hands and fingers, and could easily be one of the causes of your shoulder pain from post-fast healing disturbances.
L5 nerve entrapment is also a complicated issue with regards to the self-healing powers of the body, but it looks highly likely that the most benefit will be from the surgery that you need, which today is highly sophisticated and in most cases can achieve far more than a fast after suffering from the trauma of your injuries.
Your fasts will have definitely helped enormously, and will continue to do so with the spur formation with the traumatic arthritic consequences, plus the added benefits of a strengthened immune system and cleaner bodily environment. Your digestive issues should also resolve themselves more in time if you adhere to a strict Natural Hygienic lifestyle of which fasting is only a part.
As far as your previous meds are concerned, this is what
Shelton has to say on the matter.....
"A very important fact has long been stressed by Hygienists; namely, the sick organism performs its most efficient remedial efforts so long as it remains acutely aware of the need for healing. Where its awareness is much reduced by drugs or other means, its remedial efforts are also reduced or even suspended."
FASTING FOR RENEWAL OF LIFE....Page 169....Chapter...Living After The Fast.
Your loose bowel movements are indicative of a not so strong digestion. Given more time, and without eating concentrated foods they should both improve; it takes an equal number of days of refeeding (if not longer) for digestion to normalize without the initial return of genuine hunger at the breaking of your fast.
Depends where your right sided pain actually is specifically located as to comment on this one. Could be stones.
Spasms can be caused by electrolyte redistribution within the body.
I would only fast again post-surgery to achieve maximum healing which you will need post-op'. Prior to this, refeed within NH principles as mentioned above. Juices and raw starting with small meals, and allowing the time for your digestion to kick-start back to normality.
Candida is the least of your issues and will resolve itself with an NH lifestyle.
My advice is not to undergo a
Liver Flush or
colonics or enemas as they will prove to be enervating.
Fasting is the most efficient cleanser of bodily waste that exists.
Not sure what the Incurables Programme actually is?
I hope this has been helpful to you.