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What is happening to me?!!
danareynoldskc Views: 1,349
Published: 17 y

What is happening to me?!!

Nothing, I tell you nothing seems to be working. I am falling into such a deep bout of Depression I fear I will loose my job. I am packing on pounds, nothing I own fits. I have been taking Intestine cleanse #1 and just started the P&B shakes. Am I having candida die off? Lots of stringy looking stuff, literally tons in the stool after I do a warm water enema. Mood swings incredible. Bloating worse than ever. I stopped all meds, the wellbutrin, everything and I feel like I am going out of my mind. Will I ever begin to feel better or will I just blow up like a balloon? Lower back pains on left side, dry skin, terrible break outs happening, puffy hands and feet...horrible bloating, crabby and tearful. Can anyone please tell me what they have been through? IS THIS NORMAL? Will it get better? Ever....?


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