There is too much to cover here so I'll just cover some basics.
>> I have been taking Intestine cleanse #1 and just started the P&B shakes.
Intestinal cleanses are ok, but will not help the bacterial problems you have in the short term. Keep doing them though, it's good for the long term.
Warning: The P+B shakes can constipate you. If you find yourself constitipated, do an enema to get things going again, but stop them until things are working normally.
Warning: You shouldn't do enemas every day. You'll ruin your bodies ability to defecate. You'll get "addicited" and that's not good.
Bentonite. Consider using only psyllium because
Bentonite "takes out toxins" but it also takes the good bacteria out as well. Only useful in the first few weeks of intestinal cleansing imo.
>> I am bloated often
I hate bloating. I was disasterously bloated last October 2007 and it feel terrible. It's because of bacteria (obviously). To get rid of it:
1) Take an anti-
parasite herb like
or MH's dewormer (
2) Change your diet (a meal at a time) to a raw UNCOOKED fruit diet ( If you don't want fruits, make sure your veggies are not cooked. Makes a huge difference.
3) Get an anti-fungal. There are lots out there, but I recommend either Threelac (also a probiotic) or Nilstat (drug). Health food stores with a herbal mix of anticandida herbs are "ok" for the interim.
4) Take a probiotic like bio-K (some grocery stores, health food stores) or Threelac. Both allow more of the active bacteria to reach the gut compared to other probiotics (20% active ones make it only). Probiotics will take up the "free space" on your intestinal wall and prevent candida from rapidly multiplying again, after you've killed them.
>> Nothing, I tell you nothing seems to be working. I am falling into such a deep bout of
Depression I fear I will loose my job.
Getting healthy will make you feel better. Fresh air and sunshine (or artificial tanning if not possible) help with depression.
>>Am I having candida die off?
No, that's candida, parasites, and other bacteria going nuts. You're lucky you don't have a viral infection.
>> Lots of stringy looking stuff, literally tons in the stool after I do a warm water enema.
Could be candida, could be parasites. I've personally rarely seen mine, and they've never been big.
>>Mood swings incredible. Bloating worse than ever. I stopped all meds, the wellbutrin, everything and I feel like I am going out of my mind.
As others have said, watch the meds. I don't know enough about your current situation to advise. Maybe you should consult with a naturopath for at least some ideas?
>> Will I ever begin to feel better or will I just blow up like a balloon? Lower back pains on left side, dry skin, terrible break outs happening, puffy hands and feet...horrible bloating, crabby and tearful. Can >> anyone please tell me what they have been through? IS THIS NORMAL? Will it get better? Ever....?
Check the following website, it should help.
The “108” heath guide is one of the best health guides and the best part is it’s free. MH is a survivor so his experience is not just theory. I believe the people who actually had major problems are the ones who are best at showing others the way.