Re: My Two Cents On the "End Times"
That was the most fair/just commentary on the Muslim people I've read in years, 58644. As far as godly behavior, most Muslims could easily put many Christians to shame.
God tells us that we are to BE hospitable (not DO/perform nice/kind DEEDS, but "BE").
Neither are we to BE (show) partial to the brethren IN/of Christ.
Of course, just like every other verse of scripture and principle of God that traditional Christianity has always found to be 'inconvenient', we are hardly even aware of the verses about hospitality and partiality.
The reputation of Islam and the beliefs of Islam don't glorify the creator (not in the Christian sense), but the majority of the PEOPLE of Islam (their behavior/nature) does, yet few have ever taken notice, only to enjoy a partisan demonization of them.
I once had a truck helper that was Muslim. After six months, his fear of people kicked in and he accused me of always trying to poison him because I always bought him lunch. After about half an hour, he decided to once again speak to me and he explained that he comes from a country that chops people's hands off for stealing a package of bologna because they're hungry, and they also stone people to death. We shouldn't hate or dislike the Muslim people, we should PRAY for them.