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All chelators move some mercury into the brain from the body.
rokybird Views: 4,029
Published: 16 y
This is a reply to # 1,135,207

All chelators move some mercury into the brain from the body.

""""It has been stated that DMSA doesn't cross the blood brain barrier, and that is the whole point isn't it. Thats what makes it better to use. If you have a high load of mercury its safer not to cross the blood brain barrier until the bulk of it is removed from the body. Otherwise you send mercury around your brain unnecessarily during chelation.""""

THAT IS WHY YOU SHOULD GO SLOW WITH CHELATION OR NOT DO ANY AT ALL THE FIRST YEAR. JUst eat meat and take a lot of vitamins, use a sauna and eat well and avoid all toxic food additives ,like aluminum. This will allow the body to eliminate the mercury in the body. Then you should go after the mercury in the brain.

DMSA is unnecessary for most people IMO. If it is making you feel sick you probably should stop taking it.

I noticed an improvement in health within weeks,not months of removing my 18 Amalgams and giving up fish.

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