If you think you have mercury poisoning then you should read “Amalgam illness” by Andrew Cutler. Will be the best $35 you spend all year. It will explain most of your symptoms and most importantly you will learn lots and lots about how to take care of yourself while you try and get the mercury out of your body. Explains how to do this safely and explains many of the problems people experience when chelating.
“They have started me off on DMSA chelation for 7 weeks. It starts off slow like one tablet a week, but then builds up to 2/3 a week towards the end. “ – I have been studying mercury poisoning intensely for about 1 year now. I am 4 months
Amalgam free and chelating as per Cutler protocol. I’m at 6mg DMSA every 3 hours, 3 days on, 4 days off. The protocol you describe looks………how to put this diplomatically….crap? …… no….thats not the right word….dangerous….yes, that’s more like it…dangerous. It shows the doctor that gave it to you does not understand how these chelators work, nor the consequences of these inappropriate styles of detoxing Hg.
The path to recovery is fraught with danger. The danger comes from bad advice & dangerous protocols. Mercury is so poisonous, so many thing are wrong with the body because of the damage done, IMHO taking chances, using inappropriate chelation protocols this what you have is just too risky. To my mind there is absolutely zero point in taking these risks because there is a perfectly good chelation protocol with proven track records. The Cutler protocol.
I know some people swear by these inappropriate protocols, I know they do help some people and some do get better, but, but, but, but I continue to read numerous posts from people that don't, from people that get worse and that have taken chelators like you have be proposed and it just totally screwed them up…and big time screwed ‘em up long term too.
Do yourself a favour and try and become your own doctor…buy that book by Cutler….learn…..and try not to trust well meaning doctors that know just enough to screw u up.
Painful experience is talking here. My painful experiences.
The book is cheapest from here
If you google “yahoo frequent dose chelation”, join the group and read the files section….lots of good info there. This a group of people following the Cutler protocol.
If you can’t buy the book…this is a very very good place to read and learn.
Good luck.