Wow Steh I never looked at candida in that way but now you have me thinking.
I have Depression and social skill issues and it got worse when my grandmother passed away which made matters worse. I never really wanted to commit myself to anyone because I felt I wasnt good enough. But that all changed this year 2008 when I met someone special that I knew I SHOULDNT pass up. Him and I are good friends and on our second date he asked me to be his girlfriend but I told him that I wasnt ready
((thats the Depression talkin))
Before then I was always alone and I didnt want to go out or do nothing and Im pretty my 20s so my family started wondering what cud be wrong with me. *sigh*
I think everything relates to clogged liver and parasites which is linked to candida possibly. My Depression is getting better not 100% but progress. I soon hope to overcom my depression and social anxiety.