Re: How to reclaim your virginity - if you're a "muslim"
"How to reclaim your virginity - if you're a "muslim"...scroll
to the bottom and see..."
This is the Christianity Debate forum. What you point to is simply more
evidence that fundamentalists think alike - regardless of religion.
"I have not known of any person alive that has seen a cargo manifest
for Noah's Ark. Have you?"
These fundamentalists obviously have.
From The Times
May 28, 2007
Creationist museum brings dinosaurs on board Noah’s Ark
rest of story at:
"And it may seem harmless to you now that its been exposed. But, did
you know that over 500 people obtained their PhD's by writing their thesis on
"the Piltdown Man"? I dare say, no one took back those PhDs after it
was exposed, and those people taught hundreds of thousands of
I heard that more than 60 years ago - literally. Please tell me what
the theme of each those PhDs were? Were they all in support of it?
What you are talking about is ancient history. Science is not perfect and
dissention is what makes progress. Fundamentalism makes progress
too. It has gone from nothing to where it's at now, in only 200
years. Your link to carbon dating provides no supporting scientific
evidence to back up their claims.
Here is a link for a Christian case for evolution:
I see no conflict between evolution and the bible. None.
Here is a link for well over 40 hominoid fossils that have been found - well
after the Piltdown man.
This has many more, including our brothers - the Neanderthals:
""Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom
of God, and saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand:
repent ye, and believe the gospel." Mark 1:14, 15"
I'm in complete harmony with that. The kingdom of god was there then,
it is here now, and it has never left. Jesus (and John before him) taught
that over and over again.
"Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No
one comes to the Father, except through me."
According to The Jesus Seminar that passage in John 14 wasn't spoken by
Jesus. It was added by someone else. But I don't have a problem with
what it says. The same Jesus Seminar (200 scholars spending several years
investigating and more correctly interpreting the gospels) does say that this
passage of Luke 17:21 was spoken by Jesus: "...the kingdom
of god is within you." The kingdom of god was on the planet
before Jesus taught it. It was there when he taught it, it never left, and
it is here now. All you have to do is to follow his teachings to find it.
"Now why not do one of your rants about this also?
Women get 'virginity fix' NHS operations in Muslim-driven trend
Last updated at 07:07am on 15.11.07"
I covered that earlier - it's something that you had to interject to divert
attention away form the hilarious behavior of Christians. The Christian
fundamentalists are acting no different than Islamic fundamentalists. The
farther we go, the more alike they become.
I have no difficulty with science, even though they are not inerrant, or the
Gospels (including Thomas) - they are great teachings.