Oh Pleeeeze!!!!
You know, there's always a few wackos in every lot. Just because there might be one or even two hundrend people in the nation who do something, or express a wild or totally idiotic idea, doesn't mean that they are representative of an entire millions of people. How absurd!
But ok, I'll play the game. Let's call all gay people pedophiles and insist that their movement is nothing more than a disguised ploy to get into our children's...lives. Let's even point to a few well known examples in recent news history of gay pedophilia. How well would that go over and how accurate is it in asessing an entire group of people world wide? Anyone else care to join in?
I think this whole thing is stupid, from the people who actually feel a need to alter their past surgically, to critics who take this as a serious indication of fundamentalists' behavior. Gimme a massive break. Any genuine Christian who is walking spiritually and not by rules alone, knows what washes away past failures and makes you "whole" again. Hint: It ain't the doctor's needle and thread.