Re: FLUKES! Epstein Barr Virus (Newport)
Pretty sure Hulda means to tell us that EBV is a co-infection:
Fatigue, whether minor or extreme, is always associated with
Sugar disturbances. The more disturbance, the more
fatigue. We have three organs that do most of the
Sugar regulating:
our adrenals, the liver, and the islets in the pancreas. In
severe fatigue, that keeps you partly bedridden, all three organs
are heavily parasitized. Epstein Barre Virus (EBV) is running
amok in your body, as a rule, even when clinical culture
techniques cannot find it. With your frequency generator and
Syncrometer you can find it emitting at 380 KHz. Killing the
viruses is not as important as killing the larger
parasites and
getting your organs functioning for you again. The viruses will go
away by themselves.