Re: Adrenal Fatigue
One other note Newport, tell me if I should be concerned about this too--I live in an area, and grew up in an area that is just "downwind" from where the testing took place of the atomic bombs. The mushroom clouds got away from "them" back in the 1960's, and came over this area. They are still testing people today for cancers/leukemia etc associated with the fall-out if they lived in these 2 counties during specific years and specific months- which I did. My husband's father died of esphogeal cancer in 1993, and his wife, my mother-in-law, got the $50,000 for his cancer being caused from being a "downwinder". They are still doing mass testing, and encouraging anyone still that lived in this area during that time to come in for testing.
There's alot of thyroid problems here, & alot of young people with strange cancers- my 34 year old neice has been a very active, healthy person- and recently found an aggressive cancer- had a mastectomy but it had already spread to the lymphs.
Who knows what remains in the soil/water etc. "They" tried to tell everyone back when the mushroom clouds were coming over, and when the "dust" was falling on everything, that it was all safe.