Re: Adrenal Fatigue
Thank you Newport! I hadn't been reading the
Iodine forum info until recently- it actually confuses me even more, and when I read of people going through horrible detox symptoms, as awful as I've already felt I'm not sure that's something more I want to go through. I'm really confused as to how much
Lugol's I should be taking- I read to take megadoses of it, I read that megadoses are unnecessary. What I have is the 2% Lugols. I've been taking 6 drops per day.
Do you make your own? I read the link that you gave for the potassium
Iodide out of Canada, can you also get the granular
Iodine there as well? I had asked a pharmacist about getting it, and like you said, it's restricted and tracked in the, she questioned what I would want to mix
Lugol's for and take it internally for anyhow- and cautioned me against doing something like that when there's "drugs" for thyroid etc. Where do you get the potassium chloride for the adrenal fatigue mix?
The one tooth I have left that has silver fillings in it, is the tooth with the fracture that will be getting crowned, all the silver will be removed. However I still have the tooth with the 2 screws in it that my instinct is telling me needs to come out of there. I don't have gold crowns, but I have quite a few porcelein ones.
I looked up the Prime Chlorella, it sounds like it's an important part of all of this, and worth the expense. Does the source for Selenium make a difference, and how much selenium?
Thank you so much for your information, patience, and help Newport. I really appreciate it.