Re: Hey Candida 123
yup... the ozonated oil is very good from what I understand, have never tried it. But I am doing rectal insufflation daily and am having great results. I plan on getting a body bag from and doing body ozone. I think it would work the best with dmso. But I wont start the treatment probably till may. I want to get my liver in good working order and the rectal ozone insufflation is the best for that.
I also plan on using the beck protocol devices aswell. I feel they could be of great benefit to those suffering with candida because of the ease/cost of building them.
Now I like how the beck device clean's the blood of
parasites and makes
Colloidal Silver , but but what it does not address are all the other places where candida and other pathegens can hide... nor does it address anything like heavy metals or other toxins. When it comes to accessing deep in the bones, the brain, the bowels, and whatnot... this is where ozone is king, because it gets deep into those areas and does damage to the
parasites and gets rid of toxicity The magnetic pulsar will only kill the pathegens in the body 4
inches deep, and is typically used on the lymph nodes...