Wow, and I was given a sprouter, with everything I needed to start sprouting for Christmas and haven't made room to start doing it yet. Maybe I'd best make that a priority and get started!
I was reading in the Hulda Clark book, that zapping can kill candida, but it has to be done 3x a day.
Just a word of advice, if you get the ozonated olive oil- get the lighly ozonated. I get mine from ozoneman too, http://www.ozonatedoilonline
and use it for the Clark cleanup for ascaris/tapeworm, with L-Cysteine. It works well. It's shipped frozen. He just started selling it in a bottle instead of plastic, and I like the bottle better. But, after a couple of weeks of being in the fridge, it turns "grainy", kind of lumpy. He said it lasts up to 2 months in the fridge.