I have had similar problems with swallowing and throat swelling. I had so many issues with the Mirena, that after a year, I had it removed, about 2 months ago. Alot of the problems have abated, (constant spotting, irregular periods, itching, joint pain, no lobido, hair loss, cystic acne), but the throat thing persists. Don't know if it is related or not. Still feels like it. I have also had trouble with swollen eyelids, an allery like symptom. Have you had this problem? It's called angioedema, swelling all around the eyes. It's happening today and it's hideous. My doc is checking for a gluten alergy, and I go to an ENT on the 25th to have them look at my swollen tonsils. I think it messes with your head too. Makes you feel like your dying. That feeling went away within the first month. I'll let you know what happens.