yes it is!
Altering the
Master-Cleanse can and/or will put the body in semi starvation mode, confusing it.
Thus less weight loss. Also , any weight lost will more than likely be gained back in a month or two. It's obvious otherwise people wouldn't be chauling up cleanse after cleanse after cleane, and then bouncing back here again to lose weight...see
the pattern???
The Master Cleanse for us die hards is more than just loosing weight. It is a disciplinary exercise foremost, then a cleanse-not just of toxins of the body, but of the mind as well. It takes pure determination to really do the cleanse right.
The discipline and control I have gained during my cleansing , master cleanse or otherwise, has led myself and countless others to a path of pure healthy living.
Learning to say NO and control the little 'innocent' whims and desires has been the primary factor seguing into my diet of macrobiotic/dairyless. This 'control' is what most of us here need as not to be bouncing back here to lose weight, yet to
Do what you will and more power to you, yet for those that are truly serious about their cleanse and getting the absolute most out it, then skip the cake, the whims and the fancies. Stick with will be so glad you did.
10 days may seem an eternity for some,yet is it really in the scheme of things? Give your body a 'real' break for 10 measly days and it will thank you. You can do it! 10 days out of the thousands you have mistreated it. Don't you think your body
deserves certainly do!
Aloha Sunday,