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Ynaig - I got it
I am so glad you pointed me to this example in the book. As I understand it, its about being light hearted in meeting new people, enjoy them for what you like about them, ignore the rest and one day the right mate will appear and we will know. Being critical and comparing each person with your dream mate only puts focus on the dont want and will get more of those people to occur in your life. But focusing simply on the things you like in that person brings the attention to what you like and then you will get more of that. More dates or interactions with people and focusing on each persons traits that we like puts the focus only on all the things we want and one day the right person who has ALL the right traits we want will show up. Then we will know and the other will know also.
So the answer to my question is, to know what I want of course and go out, be playful, have fun with people/men, enjoy what you see you like and the right mate will show up.
Same goes for making the type of friends we desire. When meeting people focus only on what we enjoy about them and we will meet more of that and more and attraact more and more people who meet our desire of the kind of people we desire as friends.
Ynaigm I very much appreciate your input and effort on this board. You give great advise and always have the right links at hand!! :-)